What Is The Difference Between Youru.be and YouTube.com?

Best All Review
3 min readMay 17, 2021


YouTube is the number one video-sharing platform in the whole world. Now this domain owner is google.com. We watch YouTube see our favorite videos and any tutorial. When we see YouTube video or upload a video on YouTube, we browse youtube.com. That is the official YouTube URL. This domain was registered on 14 February 2005. In 2010 YouTube was provided over 2 billion videos each day. On YouTube, users can upload, share, view, and comment on videos.

Sometimes people found youtu.be URLs. For so many questions and curious. What is the difference between YouTube and youtu.be? Actually, there is no difference between youtube.com and the youtu.be. Youtu.be is just a short URL that is also owned by YouTube if anyone visits youtu.be that will redirect on YouTube main page.

If you are curious about youtube.com and youtu.be. Now there is nothing to worry about this. Today we will fully discussion about this fact.

Difference Between Youru.be and YouTube.com

Basic Difference Between YouTube.com and Youtu.be

  • Youtube.com is the top-level domain name (TLD). That is an original domain for the YouTube service.
  • Youtu.be is a country code domain name. This domain name has been assigned for Belgium.
  • Youtu.be just short URLs that still lead youtube.com .org .net is a popular domain extension. Generally, these domains use for commercial purposes. YouTube choose the domain name for their video sharing service in 2005. In 2006 Google bought YouTube.com for $1.65 billion. Google started youtu.be domain name in 2009. This domain is registered for Belgium.

Why Youtu.be Redirect to YouTube.com?

About the fact that .be is a Belgian ccTLD, there is no law excluding non-Belgian persons from registering a domain name. As a result, Google has registered the youtu.be the domain name for global use. Anyone from anywhere in the world can register a ccTLD for any purpose. In certain cases, ccTLDs are registered for reasons other than to reflect the country name.

In the case of YouTube, Google used a letter play. A variety of television-related domains also use the.tv domain name. The .tv domain name, on the other hand, has nothing to do with television! Tuvalu’s country code top-level domain (ccTLD) is .tv, and it has little to do with broadcasting.

Why did Google Create YouTu.be?

In 2009 Google registered youtu.be domain to short the official's YouTube URLs. At this time micro-blogging websites were becoming popular. These websites give the opportunity to post a message, in a small number of characters. Twitter allows a maximum of 140 characters to post. Therefore it was important to short the URL as much as possible people can easily share their posts on websites like Twitter.

If Google wants, Google can reduce YouTube URLs. But as you know, YouTube is the best video-sharing platform. To uniquely identify each video, Google needs a unique id with a large number of characters. So Google can’t avoid this part. Google, on the other hand, saved 15 characters by naming the domain YouTube. People who like Twitter can quickly comprehend the significance of this saving!


  • I already told you youtu.be is just a short URL that still owned youtbe.com
  • Youtu.be is Belgium country code, but you can easily access it from any country.



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